Welcome to
Cyber Broadband's LTE !
Starting at $65.00 / month

Cyber Broadband has provided rural broadband  since its launch in 2004. With our new LTE partnership, we are able to offer blazing fast unlimited service in most rural areas across our state.


  • The best way to signup for our service is to give our office a call at (256) 734-1077. Alternatively, you may fill out the form below.

  • This service is provided by a buying group of partners and we must adhere to their guidelines.  Service must be auto-charged to a credit card or electronic transaction each month.  Your first month is included with your setup fee.

  • We professionally install most service requests.  However, if you are outside of our seven county service area (Cullman, Franklin, Lawrence, Marion, Marshall, Walker, Winston) we may mail a self-install kit to you.

  • If we mail a self-install kit, a $199 setup and activation fee is due on account setup. Once you fill out the form we will e-mail an invoice to you that must be paid to process your order.  Future payments must be on autopay.

  • If we professionally install your service you may pay this setup / activation fee when the service is installed. 

  • If we mail a self-install kit, you must come back to our website once you receive your modem and put in a request for service activation. The activation fee is included in your setup fee but activation must be performed once you receive your equipment.  If professionally installed our technician will handle this for you.

  • If we mail a self-install kit, kits are sent out on the same business day assuming the order is received by 2 pm and inventory is available.  Orders placed after 2 pm will go out on the next business day assuming inventory is available.  If inventory is not available we will notify you as soon as possible.

  • Our service requires your account to be on auto-pay.  If you setup your account and do not indicate you wish for your account to be on auto-pay we will change this for you.  If you do not agree to these terms you do not need to sign up.


Signup for Cyber LTE Service


Account Holder / Billing Name




Zip Code


Alternate Telephone

Email Address

Password (must be 6-10 characters)

Your email and password will be used to access your
billing statements when selecting "manage my account" from our homepage

Payment must be auto-charged.  If you use this form to signup for service
you will receive an email bill that must be paid to start service.

Security Question: What is your mother's maiden name?
(We will ask this question if you forget your password)

Referral:  Did someone earn a free month for referring you to our service? If so, enter their name here.
( You can also enter their account number or email address )
( Information on our referral plan is on our homepage )

  1. Are you converting to Cyber LTE from an existing internet service provider?

    Yes, I am.       My provider was: 

    No, I do not currently have an account.  



  1. Select a Billing Plan:

    Cyber LTE - 10 meg plan - $95

    Cyber LTE  - basic plan - $65











Signup for our service

Activate Your Service

Pay Your Bill

Free Month Referral Promotion

Our 30 day money back guarantee

System Announcements

Who are we?

Frequently Asked Questions


Contact / Billing Information:

Cyber Broadband LTE
Post Office Box 518
Cullman AL 35056-0518

(256) 734-1077